Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs! It wonderful and terrifying to raise chickens and have them all start laying, Eight eggs a day! I am giving them away to friends, family, neighbors and even my students and still have more than enough for my baking and cooking. I just used the nearly orange yolks in my Mocha Pudding and have to use up the whites. I am still unpacking so my tube pan for Angel Food cake is packed away in a box down cellar. I decided to instead make an Angel Food Cake loaf in an ungreased loaf pan. I scaled my traditional recipe down for size and made sure to thoroughly cool the cake upside down to encourage maximum fluffiness. Major success! Top this with whipped cream, fresh fruit, a drizzle of custard, jam or plain- whatever floats you boat. Enjoy! Ingredients: 6 egg whites 3/4 teaspoon cream of tarter 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup cake flour, sifted to remove lumps M...
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