My husband and I have been married 7 years. We are in the middle of building our house, and felt there could be now better way to celebrate than to have a picnic at the job site. I firmly felt the best picnic food would be fried chicken since it is almost better cold than it is warm. My better half upped the ante, by recommending I make my cream drop biscuits to go alongside. I fired back that we should make fried chicken biscuit sandwiches, and here we are! My new home is near my parents’ house. My family used to walk by it every weekend when we would take our 4 mile loop. It’s 32 acres of field and scrub and trees; my dad called it Watership Down after a book he read my sister and I when we were very young. I have read that book every year since, and I can still hear my dad narrating it when I do. As we grow older, things often change. Watership Down seemed like it would become a place of the past, when a “For Sale” sign was posted on the field. It went under cont...
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