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Tropical Green Smoothie

Smoothies make a lovely breakfast or lunch treat. I like to add leafy greens to many of my
smoothies to sneak in nutrients without affecting flavor; this is one of my many green smoothie recipes.

The basic recipe is 2 cups of greens, 2 cups of liquid, and 3 cups of fruit or vegetables. Adding some ice thins out the mixture and makes it super cold, which can be nice, especially in the summer time. However, having a thick smoothie can be very satisfying to drink and also makes an excellent base for a smoothie bowl. I highly recommend having at least one of your fruits frozen; in this recipe, I use frozen bananas but using frozen pineapple as well would be great.

The avocado and banana make this smoothie creamy and smooth. I love using avocado in a smoothie; the fat help satisfy your hunger and the creamy texture feels so decadent, almost like a milkshake. 

You can shake up this smoothie with your choice of liquid; if you want to keep the sugar low, you can use coconut water instead of fruit juice. There is a passionfruit fruit juice that I love, so I use it here, but orange juice (especially freshly squeezed!), pineapple juice and other tropical juice blends would be great here. That’s the great thing about smoothies; they are endlessly customizable! Enjoy!

1 cup of baby spinach
1 cup of baby kale
1 cup of pineapple
1 avocado
1 frozen banana
2 cups of fruit juice
1 cup of ice, optional


In a high powered blender, like a Vitamix, add your greens, then top with your remaining ingredients. Process until smooth. It yields 2 large smoothies or 3 medium sized drinks. Enjoy!


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